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Kansas Wesleyan University


  • 入住日为8月5日(新生)和7日(返校学生), and screening processes will be in place. In addition, all students must sign up for an arrival time. Students will sign up for a time block to facilitate social distancing.
  • KWU will provide faculty, staff and students with a Fall Welcome Kit containing a thermometer, face covering and other items to aid in personal safety and protection. 
  • All students returning will be required to complete a free, 非学分课程(少于15分钟),通过Canvas讲授预防疾病和正确的手部卫生习惯.
  • Faculty are preparing fall classes using hy-flex plans, to accommodate both in-person and online learners. 教室里装有摄像机,以便同步教学. This means that if a student must quarantine or isolate, they may continue to participate in live classes.
  • Classrooms have been assigned to allow the best social distancing. (根据设计,近80%的KWU班级通常少于20名学生.)
  • Cleaning is taking place in accordance with CDC recommendations. 包括教室在内的许多地区都提供了消毒湿巾和洗手液. 湿巾杀死病毒的速度比完全“深度”清洁时使用的消毒剂更快. 
  • 因为参加比赛和训练需要近距离接触, 学生运动员和其他体育人员将在每天训练前进行筛选. 
  • 加强清洁和程序的变化将在宿舍浴室和餐饮服务场所实施. 这包括每天两次清洁所有宿舍,并监测整个建筑物的空气流动和过滤系统.
  • 非必要的学生旅行堪萨斯州以外的秋季学期是强烈反对的. 
  • 来学校参加某些活动的参加者将被问及一系列筛选问题. 对于某些活动,包括入住日,将进行温度测试. 
  • 场馆/竞技场的入场程序将根据指示牌和赛事工作人员的指示进行更改. 
  • Both virtual and on-campus visits will continue as currently in place, with social distancing and the wearing of face coverings, as needed, being observed.  
  • Face coverings will be expected in public settings on campus, 在教室和其他室内区域,人们至少在上课的前两周不能保持6英尺的社交距离. KWU将根据目前的情况和卫生部的指导重新评估这一预期,以决定是否继续采取这一预防措施.

千亿国际登录周三发布了新冠肺炎战略计划概述, July 1, describing portions of its plans for Fall 2020. 该计划包含了为适应社交距离而做出的改变的信息, new residence hall policies and changes to move-in day, including requiring students to sign up for arrival time slots.

KWU’s COVID-19 Task Force has been meeting regularly since March, 在过去的几个月里,他一直专注于“重新开放”所需的政策和程序。. The Task Force includes the campus emergency manager, 护理系的主席和总统委员会的多位成员, along with representatives from Sodexo, Plant Operations and Marketing and Communications, among others. 

也许该计划中宣布的最紧迫的细节涉及入住日, which remain scheduled for August 5 and August 7. 

To help control traffic and crowds on those days, students will need to sign up for a scheduled time to arrive to campus. This can be done through the Student Development Office.

Prior to entering any campus building on move-in days, 个人将使用非接触式温度计进行温度测试,以确保所有出席者都在疾病控制与预防中心建议的100以下.4 degrees (F). If someone should test high, 在重新测试之前,他们将进入一个温度控制的保温区15分钟. If they fail the second test, 他们必须离开校园,不得进入任何校园建筑. A similar plan will be in place for other, appropriate campus events. 

It is expected that, although temperature checks may not be in place for certain events, 所有参加我校2020-21年度活动的参观者将被要求审查一套标准化的健康相关问题,如果他们的答案是否定的,则不得进入校园. 

When students arrive to campus for move-in day, 他们和所有教职员工都将收到一份欢迎礼包,其中包括一张面罩, gloves, hand sanitizer, a pen and a thermometer. 该工具包还将包含每天来校园或上课前进行自检的说明, 出现阳性症状的学生应联系体育教练. 在自检期间出现阳性症状的教职员工应联系其主管或适当的教职员工. 

学生们很快就会注意到两个变化,那就是食品服务和宿舍. In The Den, the food service option located in the Student Activity Center, 顾客现在可以通过窗户点餐,以缓解车内可能出现的拥堵. To-go service will also be possible, both at The Den and in Shriwise Dining Hall, through the use of an Android and iPhone application. 增加个人防护装备和加强清洁将是食品服务体验的标志.

任何有社区浴室的宿舍都将有6人的入住限制. All cleaning will be done according to CDC recommendations. 

On the athletics side, student-athletes, coaches, 由于参加比赛和训练需要近距离接触,工作人员和比赛官员将每天接受检查. 这种筛查将包括体温检查和类似于上述的标准化口头筛查. In addition, spaces that are generally shared (i.e. 更衣室将被调整,体育场/竞技场的入场程序将被改变,以避免过多的排队. 

Finally, 学生在本学期的旅行,特别是非必要的旅行,在堪萨斯州以外的冒险,将被强烈建议. If a student does travel outside the state, 他们必须提前通知学生发展办公室,返回后可能会被隔离两周, depending upon KDHE regulations. 

“This plan describes our day-to-day efforts moving forward, 以及我们将如何解决当今世界的共同关切,” said Dr. Matt Thompson, KWU President. “由于我们的小班教学——去年我们91%的课程的学生人数不到30人——我们所做的调整比一些同行要少. However, 一些调整当然是必要的,我们作为一个校园聚集在一起,确定并开始实施这些调整. While we did not include it in this document, 我们还制定了多项行动计划,以隔离/隔离那些可能在学年接触到病毒的人. 我们所有人都感谢盐湖县领导在本学年积极提供帮助和支持.”  

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